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8 Stand Out Acting Performances

1. Heath Ledger- The Dark Knight

Despite the initial controversy about Heath Ledger playing such a complex character, he proved many people wrong with his outstanding performance. Before this role, the actor was known for acting in films such as 10 Things I Hate About You and Brokeback Mountain. He played characters that were completely different and nowhere near as complex as the character of the joker. This is one of the greatest examples of method acting, Ledger isolated himself for over a month in order to truly embody the character of the joker.

2. Al Pacino- The Godfather

Al Pacino caught the attention of Francis Ford Coppola, who directed The Godfather, after his role as a heroin addict in The Panic In Needle Park. He is now known for his iconic role as Micheal Corleone. Pacino somehow evokes so many emotions towards his character. He is a heartless killer, but his good intentions to begin with leave you feeling some kind of sympathy for his character. From his chemistry with the other characters to the emotions he makes you feel, he is with out a doubt one of the greatest gangster characters and no one could have portrayed this like Al Pacino.

3. Hilary Swank- Million Dollar Baby

A film about an ageing boxer who takes a female boxer under his wing as she impresses him with her determination. This is a movie that takes you on an emotional rollercoaster and I think a big part of that is Hilary Swank's role as Maggie. As a viewer you really believe the intensity and determination of her character. This is another perfect example of method acting, Hilary Swank got a staph infection due to her intense training in preparation for the role.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio- The Wolf of Wall Street

There is no doubt that Leonardo DiCaprio can adjust to any role, his role as Jordan Belfort just confirms this. He really embodied the persona of a stockbroker and someone who will do anything to make it to the top and get as much fortune as they can. His acting is extremely convincing, to the point of forgetting the actor is playing a character. From the switch in his character as an innocent naive man starting off in the industry to the chaotic end of his character, his acting is incredible throughout.

5. Lupita Nyong’o- Us

After being nominated for several awards after her amazing performance in 12 Years a Slave, Lupita Nyong’o took the film industry by storm. One of my favourite things about her performance in Us is the switch between the two characters. She plays a gentle caring mother and evil murderous doppelgänger and does both so beautifully.

6. Kathy Bates- Misery

If you’re a Stephen King fan you’ve definitely heard of his novel Misery, one of my favourite remakes of a book, and director Rob Reiner did not disappoint with the casting. Kathy Bates did an amazing job of bringing the character of Annie Wilkies to life, winning the academy award for best actress. She showcases the characters crazy and obsessive nature with such finesse. She is able to switch from initially being a sweet woman helping someone in need, to a psychotic and obsessive fan.

7. Tom Hanks- Forrest Gump

An iconic and heartwarming romance movie, about a man with a low IQ who finds himself in the middle of key historical events. I don’t think anything about this movie would be as iconic as it is if it wasn’t for Tom Hanks's role as Forrest Gump. He takes the audience on an emotional roller coaster, feeling moments of joy with the actor and moments of sadness. As a viewer you don’t only watch the character go through these emotions, you feel these emotions with the character. As an actor I think that’s something very difficult to achieve but Tom Hanks does this effortlessly.

8. Ashton Sanders- Moonlight

The award winning Moonlight is a powerful and unforgettable film. The acting in general in this film is breathtaking and even though he only plays the main character, Chiron when he’s younger Ashton Sanders really tugs at your heart strings with his performance. He does this without a huge amount of dialogue too, his facial expressions are simply enough to really feel the pain of a young man trying to figure out who he is and finding his way in the world.

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