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A Critique from an Ex-Twilight

We all had something as a teenager that we were crazy about. For me it was the movie, Twilight. I used to rewatch the first movie repeatedly without ever getting tired of it. I was just so into Bella and Edward’s romance. A vampire falling in love a human girl. it was just so romantic, every girl’s dream. Their whole relationship was so beautiful for the young me, but as I watch it now at the age of twenty-eight, I cannot help but criticize what I used to love.

Twilight is about a girl named Bella who falls in love with the mysterious, enigmatic Edward Cullen. As she falls deeply in love with him, she finds out a secret that will change her entire life.

Twilight was originally a book written by Stephanie Meyer. She managed to sell more than 100 million copies worldwide and its success paved the way to TV series such as The Vampire Diaries and to movies such as The Vampire academy and many others. Teenagers got hooked on the plot and now even seventeen years later, Twilight is still recognized as being one of the best teenage vampire romances.

Now let’s dive into my critique of the film. I used to love Isabella Swan as a character. She was this quiet, awkward girl that did not have many friends, which I could relate to as a lonely teenager. However, now as an adult. All I think about this character is that she is annoying. I guess Kristen Stewart’s acting has something to do with that. Her tendency to bite her lips while making this constipated face just irritates me and her character is just so blend.

Nothing about Bella Swan is interesting. Edward Cullen is handsome, that is for sure, but apart from that? There is not much to say about him. Jacob Black would definitely be a better boyfriend for Bella because he is always there for her, no matter what. Edward is also controlling and the whole film romanticizes this aspect of Bella and Edward’s relationship. Edward is ultra-creepy as he goes into Bella’s room to watch her sleep and he also tends to decide what is the best for Bella like she does not know what the best for her is.

The whole film is cringe, the character’s lines are just boring and unappealing. The special effects are not that good. For example, during the baseball pitch scene, the arrival of the villains at vampire speed was poorly executed. We can see that the actors are literally on something that moves to permit them to travel at high speed. They could have just used computer generated imagery instead of using some kind of treadmill to make them move.

However, the film does have some good stuff too. The character of Bella’s father, for example, has some funny moments with Edward Cullen. Acting protective towards his daughter, Charlie Swan manages to make us laugh at his scenes few scenes and his scenes with Edward are entertaining. The choice of music is important for a film, and I managed to not be disappointed by their choices. During the action scenes, the music is fast paced and fits with the context of the scene and the baseball’s scene music, which uses “Supermassive Black Hole” by Muse, has to be my favorite music in the movie.

In conclusion, watching Twilight seventeen years after does feel very different indeed. As I became older, my taste changes and I was finally able to see how problematic Edward and Bella’s relationship was which gave me a different perspective on the film that I used to cherish.

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