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Batman (2022)

Updated: May 11, 2022

Batman a new version of a classic, with the star Robert Pattinson. A loved and hated three hour film, many people feel this film wasn't good, and some liked it, including me and here's why. Matt Reeves’ narrative for this film is very different from your typical Batman films, it’s a gripping and hardcore thriller storyline. I enjoyed this film, to see a severe side of Batman, other than and comedy version.

The cinematography was astonishing, very aesthetic pieces, I was screaming when I watched it on screen. For instance, the scene of Batman and Catwoman standing on top of a building used a wide shot, with a beautiful view of Gotham in the back while the sun is rising; this shot displayed the connection between the two characters and how they felt within that moment. The relationship between Batman (Robert Pattinson) and Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz), from the way they connected, blended very well together. Use of different shots and angles and long takes. The colour-grading was immaculate; the yellow and black were beautiful to see, giving such a finish. The dark undertones and shadows gave the film a more profound feeling. I liked the look of the locations of Bruce Wayne’s house, and the bat cave looked so surreal.

Colin Farrell played Penguin in makeup and was unrecognisable I didn't notice it was him until I researched who was in the film.

As a mixed-race woman myself, I was delighted with the casting of Catwoman and James Gordon; the diversity is needed in this day and age, and for a classic movie to see these changes, I loved to see that Zoe Kravitz and Jefferey Wright were cast for these roles. Catwoman's wardrobe had stunning pieces, from the famous leather catsuit to her black high boots and short bob wig, which gave a kickass style. The classic Batman suit with the mask looked amazing on Robert Pattinson. I feel Robert Pattinson played Batman substantially well; he had a reserved life; however, he looks out forever in Gotham; he made the character more realistic.

I'm looking forward to see what they have in store for the next Batman film and if it will continue to cast Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz.

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