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How Are Teenagers Being Represented in Modern TV Shows?

In the past few years there has been a switch in how teenagers and young adults are represented in TV. Subjects that were often seen as too taboo in the past are now being openly discussed in quite a few tv shows. There is a lot of controversy towards teenagers being represented and shown in such a vulnerable state in these shows. Here's a list of 3 contemporary tv shows that showcase teenagers in a new light.

First on the list is ’13 reasons why’ a drama that follows a group of teens following the suicide of a fellow student at their high school. This show touches upon themes such as, suicide, drug abuse, homosexual relationships and rape culture in high school. Being released in 2017, this is one of the first shows to really take a deep look at these problems. However, many believe it was unsuccessful in representing teenagers in a realistic way. The show highlights how cruel teenagers can really be, but the main problem many people have with it is the glorifying of teenage suicide and while the characters do have real life complex issues, they are not dealt with in a substantial way. The problems the teenagers experience are real life issues, but the actions many of the characters take throughout the show are not particularly realistic in showing what the average teenager would actually do in that situation.

Second up is ‘Euphoria’, a tv show that takes a look at serious issues including drugs, sex and violence. The main character of the show is a teenage drug addict, the show portraying the raw reality of many teens lives, also came with quite a lot of controversy. The show was criticised for making teen addiction the ‘norm’, every character is addicted to something in one way or another be it drugs, alcohol or sex. ‘Euphoria’ also deeply explores the theme of depression. This is something I’ve seen touched upon in a few shows but never as much as it is in ‘Euphoria’, the audience see the glamorised side of taking drugs but also the very dark side of taking drugs. While, it takes a more surreal and almost fantasy approach with all the imagery, it takes a deep look at the mental health issues that many teens and young adults go through. While many critics claimed the show is ‘too mature for teens’, others believe it successfully represents a side to being a teenager/ young adult that is often not talked about enough even if it does it in an almost utopian approach.

Last on the list is, ‘Grand Army’, this show looks at very similar themes to the other two, but takes a different approach. It takes on a wider range of topics, it tackles the topics that most teen shows do such as drugs and sex but also covers poverty, politics and race issues. ‘Grand army’ takes more of a realistic approaches towards teenagers problems. It is more about teenagers trying to make it and become successful, the teenagers have everyday problems that any teenager around the world would be able to relate to. Not everything is glamorised, it's more about teenagers trying to find their identity and their place in the world, which is something every teen and young adult can relate too. The teens are represented in a very normal way, they are just trying to make their way in the world, the realism the show portrays almost makes you forget at times that you are watching a tv show.

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