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Life in a Year: A Film Review

Updated: May 11, 2022

Life in a Year, wow… what a title. Here I am crying my eyes out, from the tears I shed, as I review this beautiful film. Directed by Mitja Okorn, the film is about a 17-year-old boy, Daryn (Jaden Smith), who is chasing a dream he doesn’t want to pursue, who meets Isabelle and insanely falls for her within the space of two months of constant dates. Daryn soon finds out Isabelle (Cara Delevingne) is dying from cancer and only has a year to live. Throughout this year he finds himself and sees life through her eyes.

Mitja Okorn teaches many aspects of life from loads of different character’s points-of-view: the self-driven dad (Cuba Gooding Jr.), who plans his whole son’s life without giving his son a say who conversely opens up his shell to see his son’s dreams and talent; an open-minded girl who is dying from cancer and only has a year left to live (Cara Delevingne), who speaks her mind and stands up when she needs to and changes people’s lives, is a truly free-spirited human being (which we need more of in this harsh universe); a struggling boy pursuing a dream that is imposed on him by his father(Jaden Smith), who at first is not self-driven, but has a miracle girl who enters his life and makes him see the world differently, changing his story and what path it leads on. His two best friends, one extremely obsessed with losing his virginity and the other obsessed with weight loss, are very common issues within teenage adolescence.

The way Mitja Okorn created the chemistry between these two is the most beautiful thing I have seen; Daryn does everything in his power to give Isabelle everything she wanted in a year she has left. She encourages him to follow the path of his dreams and live for himself, not other people. Isabelle is very free-spirited, which she should be, which brings happiness to her character, encouraging the audience to see life differently through her eyes, which makes you feel you want to be like her, especially as a teenager. She doesn’t want to go to college as she doesn’t see that life for her since, she only has a year left to live, she wants to live what is left of her life to the fullest and meeting Daryn helps her do that. He is there every step of the way for her and she is always there for him too.

Ellirose Jackson

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