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My top 3 Doctor Who Companions

Doctor Who would be nothing without the companions by their side on these adventures. In the modern era I’ll be ranking the top 3. Analysing their characters using three aspects: their dynamic worth the doctor, usefulness in these adventures and the acting in terms of what the actor brought to the character and what that did to the dynamic.

Sarah Jane Smith. Enough said. THE classic O.G companion who has met the most incarnations of the doctor. As well as that made her own exit on the show before getting her own series. Sarah Jane was not only capable but she had the best dynamic a companion can have with him, they were friends. When we see her in the modern era she is doing her own investigating and stopping alien schemes. Then when we see her again in her own show she has her own companions that could rival those or the doctors by these same categories. As well as a super computer in the attic as well as the robot dog from the classic series. As shown in her own show were two different incarnations of the doctor appear. She became a doctor-like figure in her own right captivating multiple generations in this character. Elizebeth Sladen brings an attitude along with a deep empathy for others to the role. Like most companions this applies to almost all 6 of the modern companions up to Bill however they were following a blueprint that Sarah Jane MADE. In the old series she has that spark but in her own show it matures with her creating an experienced confident energy that follows her through every episode.

Donna was your average human earth girl just going from job to job and about to marry the perfect man. Cathrine Tate brings a lively and strong presence to rival the doctor even when they meet again. The writers and crew were so desperate for her to return they fit her in the finale and expanded her character. Donna chooses to explore the earth she’s on being a bit self aware of her somewhat boring or mundane life. She then tires the Sarah Jane angle but fails until she stumbles upon the doctor in something that might have been influenced by ethereal forces or Daleks but either way they met again. She wanted adventure. He was lonely; it was the perfect mix. She then had not just a friend dynamic but a best friend dynamic which was clear and stated by the doctor himself. With the previous two having a romance angle as well as the younger girl pinning aspect (strange that those went together a lot) which made them somewhat compliant with the doctor's smart alien persona. Donna challenged this by genuinely combating his statements that most others just follow thinking they don’t know any better. Her comedic elements mesh well but she genuinely cares and understands him on a better level than most as she sees him for who he is rather than the more idealised version people do. Cathrine Tate was so good in the role they desperately wanted her back. Twice with her reprisal for the role at the beginning of next year. She brought a bashful city girl vibe which no one could break. Not even the doctor which made their characters bounce off well with each-other.

The doctor’s wife. A bold writing choice but one that paid off. Now she isn’t really a companion but I felt she just fit well for the list being so close to the doctor. Introduced in series four established that his first meeting of her would be her last having her “die” which makes an interesting set up for future plot lines. River is a perfect time travelling character lost in the chaos of it every-time she falls into the arms of her husband or parents she has to check her diary to see where in their personal timeline they are meeting. Also used effectively to present threats and dramatic reveals as these characters would be ignorant to what’s already happened or fearful/sad about what is to come. She was a fighter and a killer very useful with a gun and the only person the doctor doesn’t oppose using one. Alex Kingston brings a deep seductive energy that juxtaposes the doctor's new asexual awkward persona given by Matt Smith after the last incarnation sulky loner boy vibe Tennent was dripping in sexual tension to almost any female character present. Even when playing the earlier versions of River she carries this youthful and chaotic energy making her seem like a completely different character. The range was perfect and it’s a shame we didn’t see more from this or the early versions of River.

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