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The Comfort in the Re-watch

I know that sometimes I'd prefer to re-watch old shows over getting invested in new ones and that I get great joy out of re-watching some of my favourite shows with this in mind I wanted to know if other people felt similarly so I asked a handful of different people if they re-watch TV shows or if they solely watch new ones and if they did, what was their reasoning behind it and what some of their favourite shows to re-watch where? From their answers, I've put together this list of reasons people like to re-watch shows.

1. Firstly, not at all surprising many people said they found comfort in re-watching shows. That they liked knowing what was going to happen and that they were not getting invested in new characters and new storylines only to be disappointed if the show went in a different direction to how they had hoped. With this people also said that they really enjoyed a certain show and really loved certain characters and just wanted to re-watch it for the familiarity of it.

2. Secondly, many people said that at the end of the day if they were tired and if they had had a long day they liked to put on a show that they didn't need to fully focus on. A show that would allow them to switch off and relax goes hand-in-hand once again with knowing the plot’s and storylines and knowing what's going to happen, therefore not needing to pay full attention. Many people said that they just like to re-watch shows to let themselves unwind in a familiar setting

3. Thirdly, this one was a bit of a surprise to me, but many people said that nowadays shows aren't being made the same. That with Netflix and Amazon prime originals becoming more popular you are losing the classic 24-episode multiple season TV shows in its place there are now eight episodes or 10 episodes per season leaving many people disappointed along with this point many people said that they were disappointed in the lack of new ideas behind shows and that old ideas were just being replayed and overused.

4. This one was not as common, but one or two people did say that in a run-up to a new season airing they would re-watch the whole show to prepare for the new season to refresh their mind on the Ins and outs of the show. As a build-up for the new release.

5. Lastly people said they re-watched shows because they like to see what they missed the first time watching, whether they missed a line or phrase a scene or a joke a character’s back Story or just weren't paying attention to how a scene was shot. One person said they didn't fully appreciate the show they were watching until their second time watching it.

Finally, some of the most common shows that people said they re-watched were Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead Breaking Bad, and The Office.

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